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Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten
und wurde 435 mal aufgerufen
Picton ( Gast )

05.03.2007 20:57
04 - Land of Oz Antworten
Though Earth holds many to wonder
in my heart there's a poem for you
'what's important to me?' now I ponder
and 'if sometimes dreams might come true!?'

All those people who have not been here
never ever will understand
you desert-hearted country
you awesome sunburnt land

Your nature is a stunning splendour
the world's most wonderful place
the ocean once wild and once tender
soft breeze and harsh wind in my face

Land of enchanting flowers
like the scarlet bottlebrush
young country, with blooming power
hibiscus, about that I gush

You're a country of the extremes
quite pitiless is your drought
People cheering supporting their teams
with flags waving ever so proud

your Koalas, Outback, Vegemite
the Sea, Mountains and Kangaroo
your Southern Cross shining so bright
and I'm here - terribly missing you

© carmen 05-March-2007

some vocabulary that might be unknown to some:
to ponder = grübeln, sinnieren
awesome = phantastisch, ehrfurchtgebietend
splendour = Pracht
enchanting = entzückend, bezaubernd
bottlebrush = "Flaschenbürste", Name einer Blume (siehe Foto unten)
to gush about = schwärmen von, sich ergehen in,
pitiless = erbarmungslos, gnadenlos
drought = Dürre, Trockenheit
Angefügte Bilder:
Bottlebrush-Wollongong,NSW-Australia.JPG   Flower-Wollongong,NSW-Australia.JPG   Hibiskus-Berkeley,NSW-Australia.JPG   Sternblume-Wollongong,NSW-Australia.JPG  
Stefanie Offline

Treue Seele

Beiträge: 1.347

05.03.2007 22:23
#2 RE: 04 - Land of Oz Antworten

Is this the kind of english they speak there?
Nooooooo, I don´t think so
Just kiddin´, I heard they are a bit harder to understand.
Your poem is wonderful. It reminds me at an
enchanted Tiki Tiki room, but this is more hawaiian, i guess.
Beautiful landscape description, a lot of feeling in it,
and a sensible touch of grief is tangibly.
Hope you´ll be there as soon as possible again.
I enjoyed your poem very much!

Die Poesie heilt die Wunden, die der Verstand schlägt

silent Offline


Beiträge: 351

06.03.2007 09:11
#3 RE: 04 - Land of Oz Antworten

It's obvious,

you love this land! And you're a wonderful narrator, making us hungry to hear/read more of your revering poems, because most of us won't get there so fast. Tell us about it!


Wirklich reich ist
wer mehr Träume in seiner Seele hat
als die Realität zerstören kann

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